Why You Aren’t A Better Shooter  by Melody Lauer


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Everyone wants to be a better shooter. Even the best competitors, sportsmen, and tacticians push themselves to new and better skill. But what happens if you get stuck? What if you go to the range week after week and don’t seem to be improving? What if you aren’t sure your skills are where they need to be? What is a good accuracy standard?

If you’ve been shooting for any length of time, you’ve asked yourself these questions. If you’ve hit a plateau and are wondering how to push your skills to the next level, here are nine possible reasons to consider:

  1. You don’t believe you are capable of being skilled

Keep reading: http://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/why-you-arent-better/

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Silvercore Firearms Training

7198 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1K7

